function enable_avada_builder_for_mec( $post_types ) { $post_types[] = 'mec-events'; // Falls es anders heißt: 'mec_event' return $post_types; } add_filter( 'fusion_builder_enable_post_types', 'enable_avada_builder_for_mec' );
ITSM LOGBUCH2023-01-16T17:11:52+01:00




ITSM unterwegs

Wir veranstalten. Wir besuchen Veranstaltungen. Hier finden Sie alles, was wir interessant finden.

Neue Termine für Service Space und ITSM Stammtische. Berichte über Service Space und ITSM Stammtische. (Reise)berichte über weitere Service Management Veranstaltungen. Beschreibungen von Workshops. Blogs von interessanten Menschen. Unser ITSM Logbuch halt.

ganz aktuell:

Stammtisch und Virtueller Stammtisch

Monatlich. Kurzer Vortrag, spannende Diskussion.

Für Mitarbeiter:innen und Führungskräfte im Service Management kostenlos.

Was uns interessiert:

From Theory into Practice with MarsLander

Mission Log: Stardate 08 November 2021. ‘T Minus 2 hours and counting….’‘ At the ITSMPartner ServiceSpace conference Paul Wilkinson will be presenting ‘Trans4Mation for dummies’, showing 8 key areas in which we need to transform in ITSM. Three of these struck me as important’ reflected the Mission Director, writing them on his paper napkin.

Event Nachlese:

From Theory into Practice with MarsLander

Mission Log: Stardate 08 November 2021. ‘T Minus 2 hours and counting….’‘ At the ITSMPartner ServiceSpace conference Paul Wilkinson will be presenting ‘Trans4Mation for dummies’, showing 8 key areas in which we need to transform in ITSM. Three of these struck me as important’ reflected the Mission Director, writing them on his paper napkin.

Nach oben